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Version: 3.x



This page was ported from an old version of the documentation.

As we're rewriting the documentation some of the pages might be a little outdated.

This is low-level hook returning event handler that will be invoked with native events, which should be used in order to create custom event handler hook like useAnimatedGestureHandler or useAnimatedScrollHandler.


handler [function]

Handler will receive event object with native payload, that can be passed to custom handler hook's worklets.

  • event [object] - event object. The payload can differ depending on the type of the event.

eventNames [Array]

Array of event names that will be handled by handler.

rebuilt [boolean]

Value indicating whether handler should be rebuilt.


The hook returns event handler that will be invoked when native event is dispatched.


function useAnimatedPagerScrollHandler(handlers, dependencies) {
const { context, doDependenciesDiffer } = useHandler(handlers, dependencies);

return useEvent(
(event) => {
const { onPageScroll } = handlers;

if (onPageScroll && event.eventName.endsWith('onPageScroll')) {
onPageScroll(event, context);